emBlaze 2014

emBlaze hmm… it was really really breathtaking event. The first emBlaze was held at school main hall in 2012. Of course I remember the day and I was there.
After two years in 2014, I got a news from school web site, then I put a message to Kavisha(Podi Kavi) malli and asked “is this really happening………?” he said “hell yeah……”!!  that was about 4 or 5 weeks before 30th November.

In school events, most of them I was in backstage… Well… I believe backstage is the strongest part in every events, doesn’t matter what kind of event it will be. Without the backstage there is no front stage. I always believe that.

After every successful event there should be people in backstage. So here are some random pictures about behind the scenes. #emBlaze14 ! Hats off you brothers…………. and yes… finally we did it together … #backstage_FTW


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In emBlaze 2014 I wanted to buy a ticket in first rows, and I wanted to watch entire event until the end. I bothered Kavindu, Podi Kavi, Kavinda and event our Head Prefect Kaveesha. I knew those all of them were busy. I am really sorry guys I just being selfish for a moment. Finally my A/L class mate well knows as wire Kavinda book me a ticket and I paid through a bank. Thanks to him I had my one. I love it man………..!!     

After I came home I so excited to get the behind the scenes video from Kavinda Kaushal –AKA- Wire Kavinda Jajang :P :P I already mentioned how strong the backstage is. In emBlaze I wasn't in the backstage, but I wanted to show you all this. The video was created by Learn TV video crew, We must appreciate them too… That is why I love those kind of videos and images. I wasn't a prefect when I was in school… but I never divide … we all are belongs to Mother Asoka. The second mother of all of us.
So my fellow Asokians and all other nangila, mallila in others schools.. please keep it in your mind. Respect each society, and respect each schools equality. 

When I was in school I was in Top board of ICT Society as well as backstage of Media Unit .... :)  

Yesterday during the "Prefects' Talent Show of Asoka College" –AKA- “emBlaze 2014 ”….I feel tears coming down on my face ,.... :) .. tears of proud and tears of joy…!! :)  

^^ Picture credits goes to Lahiru Hettiarachchi @ 60i Productions

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I wasn't a prefect, but as I mentioned above I used to be a Top Board member of ICT Society ;) with Rajind Pamoda n Dilum Lewis :D  

(2012) yeah….. a good position :P at the same term I used to be senior backstage member of Media Unit  ;)   ….

However as a genuine Asokian, I really glad about the emBlaze and our next generation…… :) . I still feel it… really really proud of you mallila….. :) ^_^ <3 ....    



To see more official Images click below links one by one
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Photographic Club of Asoka College
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60i Productions
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